All posts by Monique Goyens

TTIP is hibernating. So let’s improve it.

At this point it’s perhaps a bit cliché to say it, but free trade is on shaky ground. Public support for trade liberalisation is waning, the Financial Times illustrated. This scepticism is very much highlighted by wrangling on a proposed...

and / November 25, 2016

Big data, smart enforcement

Last week I spoke at a conference which was jointly organised by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and BEUC. Its motto hit the nail on the head: how can privacy rights be enforced in an era where big data...

/ October 7, 2016

Since when is TTIP not a BIG deal?

From “most important leak ever” to “much ado about nothing”, the analyses from different commentators of yesterday’s TTIP revelations couldn’t be wider-ranging. In a blog post, Trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström tried to soft-pedal the importance of the leaks by saying...

/ May 3, 2016

Regulators and consumer organisations – less me and more we

Without rules, consumers are at the mercy of traders. The same applies if the rules aren’t enforced. European Commissioner Věra Jourová, in charge of justice and consumer affairs, wants to see a big change in this area calling for proper...

/ April 22, 2016

Will regulatory cooperation in TTIP become a straight-jacket for EU law making?

Regulatory cooperation might sound like a relatively benign and straightforward part of trade agreements. It is actually at the very core of TTIP, a trade deal being negotiated between the US and the EU which would be the world’s largest....

/ March 21, 2016

For better or for worse? The Commission and its ‘better regulation’ agenda

One of the Juncker Commission’s favourite catchphrases is to deliver ‘better regulation for better results.’ At the same time, it claims it will serve citizens and restore confidence in the European Union project. Unfortunately, recent developments suggest it is struggling...

/ February 25, 2016

From ISDS to ICS: Still a long way to go

Following a heated debate, the European Commission has finally recognised the risks inherent in the proposed Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): namely that it lacks transparency and that its arbitrators are prone...

/ October 22, 2015

Why reassurances that TTIP will not affect the right to regulate miss the point

At a recent debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), advocates for TTIP once again repeated the mantra that nothing in TTIP, not even the section on regulatory cooperation, will affect the right of the parties (the EU,...

/ September 29, 2015

Who is going to pay the bill for regulatory cooperation in TTIP?

Ever since I read the European Commission’s proposal on regulatory cooperation I have been trying to figure out how this system will work in practice. One thing which intrigued me was the price tag for engaging in this kind of...

/ July 24, 2015

Health: Is TTIP the pill for all our ills?

Transatlantic cooperation, done properly, could have a positive impact on consumers on both sides of the Atlantic in various areas, including health. Nevertheless, reading the EU’s positions on the pharmaceutical and medical devices[1] (e.g. pace makers, hip implants) chapters of...

/ July 14, 2015