Tag: greenwashing

Can you spot greenwashing? Consumer experiences in the EU and the US
Consumers need trustworthy environmental information to shift to a more sustainable lifestyle, but misleading claims are all around. A recent survey by BEUC dived into consumers' perceptions of this greenwashing.

Green Santa is coming to town – a year clamping down on greenwashing
BEUC has been involved in fighting greenwashing for many years and 2023 was the year where we stepped up our game. We expanded our effort cross-teams, looking at different areas of consumers’ lives and how we can make them free...

Agricultural agreements cannot be a smokescreen for greenwashing and profiteering
Consumers are increasingly worried about the impact of their consumption, including the food they eat. But draft guidelines for the food sector could lead to minimal sustainability improvements as a pretext to restrict competition, writes Emanuela Antolovic.

Only regulation with teeth can stop the greenwashing of financial products
Lost in a sea of sustainability claims, Julian Müller explains that only regulation with teeth can stop the greenwashing of financial products in this blog.

Will the EU’s new environmental calculating method block or boost greenwashing?
There is no doubt European consumers want to buy products that are more sustainable. But currently this is no easy task. Shops are flooded with various claims praising the environmental aspects of products. The EU is working on a solution...

Greener than green: high time to stop greenwashing
Concerns about the environment and the future of our planet are increasingly growing. In the latest Eurobarometer survey, the climate crisis is listed by EU citizens as the most serious problem the world is currently facing, and this in spite...

‘All roads lead to Rome’ in the green transition; but we may need to build new ones
A well-known proverb says, ‘all roads lead to Rome,’ meaning an outcome can be reached by many methods or ideas. In European policy making, sustainable lifestyles must become our Rome: the aspired-to destination to which all roads must go. While...