Tag: transparency

Listen up European Commission! Parliament issues strong message on services trade deal
Unnoticed by most, the European Union is negotiating a major agreement on trade in services. It brings together 22 countries plus the EU, and lines up huge players including the United States, Japan and Canada. Its aim is to liberalise...

TiSA mandate: a simple piece of paper or a symbol of democratic scrutiny?
While TTIP is in the spotlight… The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are not the only big trade negotiations happening now. The EU and 22 other member states[1] of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are currently negotiating a multi-party...

How transparency can help monitor potential scandals in the TTIP negotiations
When I am asked why more transparency is needed in the TTIP negotiations, I reply it is because these trade negotiations are not mere ‘business as usual’; rules affecting our living standards are on the negotiating table and we should...

New year, new TTIP?
January kicked-off with three exciting developments on TTIP. It seems that in the wake of the 8th negotiating round of February TTIP has finally left its extended winter sleep. European Commission transparency “offensive” It started last week Wednesday when Commissioner...

Take aways from the ‘Investor-State Dispute Settlement: the TTIP Achilles heel?’ conference
9 December 2014, Renaissance Hotel

How TTIP will affect consumers in the EU’s neighbouring countries
Much has been written about the potential impact of TTIP on consumers in the European Union. Beyond that, one cannot help but wonder how TTIP will affect the EU’s neighbouring countries and citizens. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are three countries...

TTIP & trust: Is the Commission backing the wrong horse?
Last week, we published a blog post on the impact of the European Court of Justice ruling on MEP Sophie in’t Veld’s case against the Council. The Court’s decisions clearly stated that access should be ensured to documents relating to...

What the recent ECJ ruling means for transparency in the TTIP negotiations
By BEUC’s Senior Legal Officer, Kostas Rossoglou Last week in Brussels, scores of EU and US officials held the 6th negotiating round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal. Despite press conferences and civil society briefings the real substance...
The European Commission: The importance of unbiased communication on TTIP
The ongoing Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations are being conducted behind closed doors, with the public having no way of knowing what is at stake aside from officials’ statements. When it comes to informing citizens on the issues...