Category: Consumer rights

Not enforcing consumer rights costs air passengers millions

Your flight was cancelled at the last moment. Or you found out at the airport that you cannot check in as your flight was overbooked. Sounds familiar? That’s because millions of people find themselves in this kind of situation all...

/ November 10, 2016

Regulators and consumer organisations – less me and more we

Without rules, consumers are at the mercy of traders. The same applies if the rules aren’t enforced. European Commissioner Věra Jourová, in charge of justice and consumer affairs, wants to see a big change in this area calling for proper...

/ April 22, 2016

Will the EU get out of first gear on emissions cheating?

It’s now over half a year since a US agency discovered ‘defeat devices’ in Volkswagen cars to get around air pollution rules. Following the revelations, European decision makers scrambled to act. Now the question is whether long overdue EU measures will...

/ March 31, 2016

For better or for worse? The Commission and its ‘better regulation’ agenda

One of the Juncker Commission’s favourite catchphrases is to deliver ‘better regulation for better results.’ At the same time, it claims it will serve citizens and restore confidence in the European Union project. Unfortunately, recent developments suggest it is struggling...

/ February 25, 2016