Sustainability reporting: the fight for more transparency in how companies behave

Upcoming changes could bring some much needed transparency to corporate sustainability reporting. BEUC's sustainable finance expert, Julian Müller explains why it matters to consumers.

/ January 27, 2023

The EU has become an environmental policy champion – time to go the last mile 

In the span of just four years, environmentally friendly measures went from seen as hampering economic progress to part of economic policymaking. In our retrospective about BEUC’s 60 years of existence, we coined the current decade the ‘transformational 2020s’. And...

/ January 20, 2023

How to ensure consumer protection keeps up with the digital revolution

Updating consumer rights in changing times is essential, writes digital team policy officer Claudio Teixeira.

/ January 11, 2023

It’s time for consumers to finally enjoy their rights when travelling 

This summer, while helping many of my colleagues who were impacted by last-minute flight cancellations during another summer of travel chaos, I realised that passenger rights issues are like a grumpy old uncle we see every holiday but are never...

/ December 8, 2022

Rules for sustainable products are one side of the coin. Enforcing them is the other.

It is encouraging for consumers that the EU is working on rules to make products sustainable by design. But if policymakers are serious about delivering, they should not forget about the “on the ground” aspect, argues BEUC’s Monique Goyens. This...

/ December 2, 2022
Solar panels on consumers' homes

Accelerating out of the energy crisis: how to enable consumers to play their part in the green transition

Getting consumers on board is key to accelerating out of the energy crisis, writes BEUC's Energy Team Leader Jaume Loffredo

/ November 17, 2022

Will the EU’s new environmental calculating method block or boost greenwashing?

There is no doubt European consumers want to buy products that are more sustainable. But currently this is no easy task. Shops are flooded with various claims praising the environmental aspects of products. The EU is working on a solution...

/ November 15, 2022
Lady Justice

BEUC’s relentless quest for collective redress that works for consumers

The topic of ‘collective redress’ is fuelling heated discussions across Europe and beyond. That’s because the EU’s landmark Representative Actions Directive is currently entering into national legislation, making it easier for consumers to go to court as a group if...

and / November 4, 2022

The EU has made our food safer. Time to make it more sustainable.

From a patchwork of rules creating a single market, EU food legislation has evolved over the past forty years into a body of food safety and consumer protection laws. Now is time to take it to the next level so...

/ October 24, 2022

For safe products, the EU needs more than rapid alerts

To truly tackle today’s safety threats, the EU should see its rapid alert system, Safety Gate, as only one part of the solution. It must also strive to make legislation more effective, argues Sylvia Maurer.

/ September 26, 2022