The Truth Behind “100% Recycled” Plastic Bottles: Exposing Greenwashing
In today's age of expanded environmental consciousness, phrases like "100% recycled" or "100% recyclable" plastered across plastic bottle packaging might seem like a beacon of sustainability. However, the truth is far from that and it’s time for authorities to crack...

Can you spot greenwashing? Consumer experiences in the EU and the US
Consumers need trustworthy environmental information to shift to a more sustainable lifestyle, but misleading claims are all around. A recent survey by BEUC dived into consumers' perceptions of this greenwashing.

Green Santa is coming to town – a year clamping down on greenwashing
BEUC has been involved in fighting greenwashing for many years and 2023 was the year where we stepped up our game. We expanded our effort cross-teams, looking at different areas of consumers’ lives and how we can make them free...