TTIP & trust: Is the Commission backing the wrong horse?

Last week, we published a blog post on the impact of the European Court of Justice ruling on MEP Sophie in’t Veld’s case against the Council. The Court’s decisions clearly stated that access should be ensured to documents relating to...

/ July 30, 2014

What the recent ECJ ruling means for transparency in the TTIP negotiations

By BEUC’s Senior Legal Officer, Kostas Rossoglou Last week in Brussels, scores of EU and US officials held the 6th negotiating round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal. Despite press conferences and civil society briefings the real substance...

/ July 24, 2014

What is wrong with chlorinated chicken

As the transatlantic trade deal negotiations increasingly make the headlines in newspapers, chlorinated chicken has emerged as a symbol of the detriments European consumers can face if the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) deal is signed. Though the thought...

/ July 14, 2014

ISDS: Too flawed to be fixed

When EU governments instructed the European Commission in June 2013 to start negotiating a free trade agreement (TTIP) with the United States, they requested provisions on investment protection and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) be included in the agreement. Following heavy...

/ July 10, 2014

Why consumers should be at the heart of TTIP

It is clear that every aspect of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has been designed to facilitate commercial activities between the world’s two largest economies, the EU and the US. The focus of this agreement is to reduce...

/ June 19, 2014

The European Commission: The importance of unbiased communication on TTIP  

The ongoing Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations are being conducted behind closed doors, with the public having no way of knowing what is at stake aside from officials’ statements. When it comes to informing citizens on the issues...

/ May 30, 2014

TTIP: Transparency now!

With the 5th round of the TTIP negotiations in full swing in the US, the demand for transparency and public accountability becomes ever compelling. More than 250 civil society organisations on both sides of the Atlantic signed this Monday, 19...

/ May 22, 2014

Canada and EU trade talks: The backdoor to ISDS endorsement

As the United States and the European Union TTIP trade talks continue, the fact that the EU and Canada are close to sealing a trade agreement (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement known as CETA) – including a controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)...

/ May 8, 2014

Food in TTIP: What is at stake for EU consumers?

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and USA since July 2013. TTIP is one of the foremost phrases in transatlantic relations and will remain so for years to come. In this...

/ April 28, 2014