Category: Sustainability

Green labels: which ones can you trust?

Many of us have gone through quite a few changes this year. Among them is people’s accelerated take-up of more climate-friendly habits. Bike sales have skyrocketed, demand for organic food has risen, and many among us chose to travel closer to home over summer. This is good news on the climate front,...

/ October 8, 2020

A new tool to help people spend less on car fuel

We get low-quality information when buying a car. Better car labelling and a new tool for European drivers to know their fuel consumption, called MILE21, can change this.

/ March 26, 2020

How I learned to love climate change

Climate change brings an opportunity: to change our financial system to one that focuses on the long-term broad interests of society as a whole, Kęstutis Kupšys argues.

/ January 27, 2020

Thanks to the EU, we’re moving closer to a repair society

Broken washing machines, computers or tumble dryers are creating mountains of heavy household equipment waste. And to replace these broken items, we buy new products, creating a vicious cycle of more expenditure and more waste. To manufacture them, limited resources...

/ October 2, 2019

Want to go green while on holiday? Here are 5 reasons to stay in a sustainable hotel

Now that summertime is officially here, you might be in a holiday mood. But not a day goes by without the environmental crisis making the headlines, and tourism is known to add fuel to the fire, putting pressure on scarce...

/ June 21, 2019

Time’s up for harmful flame retardants in TV screens

Did you know that your furniture, clothes and electronic devices can contain harmful chemicals? The most common ones are halogenated flame retardants. The good news is that plastic in TV screens will be free of them thanks to new Ecodesign...

/ June 18, 2019

3 conditions to make charging an electric car convenient

Electric cars must be easy to charge, if they are to move away from the sidelines and into the mainstream.

and / May 23, 2019

Electric cars: game changers for tomorrow’s energy offers

“Car biz is hell” Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently said in a twitter exchange. Media eagerly reported that the electric car pioneer is sleeping at Tesla’s factory, to remedy production delays on its latest model. But production delays are just...

and / May 8, 2018

Green your spring cleaning: 5 reasons to choose EU Ecolabel detergents

It’s spring time! As flowers bud and birds chirp after the (long) winter break, you might want to make your home tidy and shiny. Why not go green for this spring cleaning? We use washing liquids, laundry powders, multi-purpose cleaners...

/ March 21, 2018
Consumers can save fuel and money if the EU goes the full mile on CO2 targets for cars

Consumers can save fuel and money if the EU goes the full mile on CO2 targets for cars

On 8 November, the European Commission published its much-awaited “Europe on the Move” legislative package. In the Commission’s own words, it wants to “reaffirm Europe’s leadership in fighting climate change and the Commission’s endeavour to empower Europe’s citizens and defend...

/ December 1, 2017