Category: Energy

Shifting heat: how to get consumers on board the energy transition

In September, the European Commission announced plans to raise its 2030 EU-wide greenhouse gas reduction target, from 50% to 55%. For energy consumers, the biggest change will be in how we heat our homes, with a big shift away from...

/ October 29, 2020

Tackling energy poverty during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic raises major challenges for tackling energy poverty writes William Baker, energy expert from the STEP project (Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty). The STEP project is now calling for immediate action to help low income consumers pay their...

/ April 23, 2020

Electric cars: game changers for tomorrow’s energy offers

“Car biz is hell” Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently said in a twitter exchange. Media eagerly reported that the electric car pioneer is sleeping at Tesla’s factory, to remedy production delays on its latest model. But production delays are just...

and / May 8, 2018

For warmer homes and less energy poverty in the EU

Daniel helps a family stay warm with some clever tricks. Sticking bubble wrap around the windows is one option to keep the cold out of the house. But these are short-term fixes, not long-term solutions. And winters are cold in...

and / December 4, 2017

Changing the way we consume electricity

Until now, people consumed whatever electricity they needed and then received a bill for it. Apart from the bill, there was little way of them knowing what their consumption actually was. Now however, new technology and gadgets are hitting the...

/ April 7, 2017

The biggest ever collective switching campaign for energy in the Czech Republic

Problems for consumers in the energy market abound. Czech households often pay more for electricity and gas than they should. Door-to-door sales is a common and aggressive practice which often relies on bully tactics to get customers into disadvantageous contracts....

/ March 1, 2017

Can consumers easily produce their own electricity?

For 80% of households in Europe, it would be cheaper to produce their own electricity than to purchase it from an electricity company. How? By installing solar panels. And just imagine how much cleaner the energy market would be if...

/ June 13, 2016