Category: Digital rights

What does the EU copyright reform mean to you as a consumer?

In September, the European Commission revealed its plans to modernise EU copyright laws. “Why is that important for me?” you might think. Fair point. For most consumers copyright law does not top the list of their daily concerns. But think...

/ November 14, 2016

Keep an eye on WhatsApp

In September 2016, WhatsApp started to share personal information with its mother company Facebook. The Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv) is fighting for WhatsApp to respect your privacy. Imagine You would like to use a specific messenger service on...

/ November 2, 2016

The consumer-policy nuts and bolts of the sharing economy

The sharing economy is a phenomenon which profoundly changes the way consumers buy or rent goods and services. It also allows consumers to enter the market to provide goods, services, time or skills themselves and become – what we call...

/ October 11, 2016

Big data, smart enforcement

Last week I spoke at a conference which was jointly organised by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and BEUC. Its motto hit the nail on the head: how can privacy rights be enforced in an era where big data...

/ October 7, 2016

Society wins as Europe moves to protect an open internet

A few days ago, European regulators issued a set of historic rules which frame the future of internet access in Europe. These rules clarify how Europe’s recent net neutrality law, a sometimes unclear text which was issued at the end...

/ September 8, 2016

Why we must stop geo-blocking for audiovisual services

Geo-blocking is perhaps the most controversial element of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market agenda because it is about challenging a status quo. In an article recently published in POLITICO Europe, Michael Ryan, chairman of the Independent Film and Television...

/ June 24, 2016

Chaos and disorder in copyright law – happy #WorldIPDay!

Many of us are mourning the loss of Prince, one of the world’s great music talents. What most of us don’t know is that he was also a champion of copyright enforcement. On the 16th edition of World Intellectual Property...

/ April 26, 2016

The EU’s net neutrality rules: an unfinished business

A few months ago, the EU institutions finally adopted the first ever European net neutrality law. Following several years of fierce debates, European leaders realised the importance of protecting one of the most fundamental principles of the internet. The EU follows...

/ March 10, 2016

For better or for worse? The Commission and its ‘better regulation’ agenda

One of the Juncker Commission’s favourite catchphrases is to deliver ‘better regulation for better results.’ At the same time, it claims it will serve citizens and restore confidence in the European Union project. Unfortunately, recent developments suggest it is struggling...

/ February 25, 2016