All posts by Monique Goyens

‘All roads lead to Rome’ in the green transition; but we may need to build new ones

A well-known proverb says, ‘all roads lead to Rome,’ meaning an outcome can be reached by many methods or ideas. In European policy making, sustainable lifestyles must become our Rome: the aspired-to destination to which all roads must go. While...

/ September 23, 2021

High electricity prices? It’s time to accelerate the energy transition

Consumers are facing significant rises in their energy bills. Here's how we move forward

/ September 16, 2021

Shifting heat: how to get consumers on board the energy transition

In September, the European Commission announced plans to raise its 2030 EU-wide greenhouse gas reduction target, from 50% to 55%. For energy consumers, the biggest change will be in how we heat our homes, with a big shift away from...

/ October 29, 2020

Research is for the people: but where are the people?

A few weeks ago, the European research community held its annual powwow with the European Research and Innovation (R&I) Days, organised by the Commission’s Directorate-General in charge of research. The event gathered (virtually) more than 20,000 participants. It was an...

/ October 16, 2020

Why we need to take the COVID supply chain debate sector by sector

The COVID crisis has led to debates on whether to ‘reshore’ our supply chains. This is a very complex issue, writes Monique Goyens, as she argues for a sector by sector approach.

/ October 2, 2020

Nutri-Score now: the time to tackle the obesity crisis is well overdue

As it fights COVID-19, the EU cannot drop the ball on the obesity and overweight crisis. It is high time policymakers helped people shop for healthier products by making the Nutri-Score nutrition label mandatory.

/ May 18, 2020
Picture of the World Trade Organization (WTO) building

Is it safe to buy products online from the other side of the world?

Consumers now buy things from anywhere in the world in a few clicks. But consumer groups' research shows the safety of these products is not always guaranteed. Online shops are urged to act responsibly and authorities should work together across...

/ October 8, 2019
There are five top consumer issues European consumer groups (BEUC) suggest the next European Parliament focuses on

To truly debate Europe’s value, focus on what it has done, does and should do for people

We are a mere 3 weeks from European Parliament elections. And times are intense. Media coverage is filled with debates about Brexit, the rise of populism and Euroscepticism. It is precisely about that I worry. There seems to be very...

/ April 28, 2019

No. The EU does NOT want to ban your chips

Recently, headlines in Germany and Austria might have made you shiver with fear: “The. EU. Wants. To. Ban. Crispy. Chips”. No less! The same EU which dictates the shape of our bananas and cucumbers [1] is now meddling with our...

and / September 25, 2017
Picture that intends to showcase talks between regulators.

Making ‘open trade’ and the global market work for EU consumers

“Open trade must go hand in hand with open policy making,” Jean-Claude Juncker said in his annual State of the Union speech last week. With this statement he kicked-off changes in the way the European Commission conducts trade negotiations. His...

and / September 20, 2017